29 Sept 2023 - Having enjoyed the summer break, POW where glad to recommence our Freemason duties on Friday 29th September. And a very special evening was enjoyed by all. W. Bro James Davies was presented with his 60th Certificate by no other than RW Bro Tim Henderson-Ross Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Gloucestershire. The Lodge was well and truly entertained by W. Bro James as he retold stories and adventures from 60 years in Freemasonry.
Bro. Khyrn Wearing was then presented with his GL certificate, and it was not lost on Bro Khyrn or the Lodge how special an occasion it was to have a 60 yr certificate presented on the same evening.
Our WM greeting the PGM with hearty good wishes and thanks him on behalf of The Prince of Wales Lodge for his presentation of a 60 year certificate to W. Bro James Davies.
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